Light bulbs think theyre better than you, they give you this LOOK... they brag about how COOL they are, they think theyre better than Cathode Ray tubes. Refridgerater Lights are the worst, they think theyre cool cause when its 5:00 a.m., you open the fridge, and the 40watt piece of shit blinds you. I saw we all kill them. Do what I did, grap the nearest Sprite can and SMASH IT! They think theyre soo cooler than you, because they can make artificial light without even trying. Also, the sun thinks its soo cool... cuase its so big. but that will end. You may ask yourself, "Where does dark go when light comes?" Well... Me & Beowulf KNOW! It goes to 'dark-world', where the dark waits untill a artificial light gets turned off to teleport back. Me and beowulf will become our own gods and creat our own world... in the dark-world, that way... when we creat cathod ray tubes on the dark-world, the dark light will be FORCED to move back onto earth... and everyone on earth can not see... cause there is too much dark! That is how me & Beowulf will destroy the world! Then me and Beowulf will create our own planet & world, after abducting symetrically correct and well porportioned females, then I will do the mating, cause I'm the smarter one (120 IQ), and Beowulf will do the killing. Becuase we MUST HAVE a perfect race, we must slaughter the wrongs. Fat, ugly, Reatarted, and Lazy people will be KILLED, this is to better the world. The world will be lighted by Cathod Ray tubes. One giant one above the world, and sevreral on the world. Of course, to not confuse our siblings (sons & daughters of god(s)), the world will be flat. For pesky humans have more so confused themselfs with the rotation of the earth and the shear-shape of the world. (that 360 degree thing really fucked up humans (look at time, YEEssh)) Time will be as fallows: parts are parts of the day, there are 2.5 cycles per parts, every 4 parts will be a pent (like a day), every 100 pents will be a a pint (like a year) Of course, they MUST eat and drink, first off about the drinking: as on planet boren, they have a TE-41 system, wich consists of 10% alchoholic mix. This will be used as the primary drink but, since young babies must drink healthy, we must have liquid with a nutritional value, BE-12 system will work nicely. then of course, we need liquid to bath and play in, wich much like earth water will be, but it will filter itself to stay clean. now about the food: The food will consist of Fruityness, and grains (No meat, for it will cause fatness and will cause in people being slaughtered) The RAS-468 consist of many earth-like fruits, wick will work quite well. the GR-1 system is a grain-like susbtance on earth, but much more nutritional (So that peasents may make bread and such) Crime will be solved easily: Any serious crimes (like mocking the gods) will consist with DEATH When two peasents feel they must fight, it will be dealth with in a controlled enviroment (Known as "the cage" in earth), they will fight to the death, and it will be televised on CRT's through the world. Creating this world: All me and Beowulf need are 1,000 soup cans, and 10000ft of telefone wire. Beowulf will eat the soup and become fat, while I build the teleporation device. after building the teleportation device, we will teleport CRT's (Cathode Ray tubes), and many computers and networking tools with us & a copy of Q2. then we will create our world. Warez will be no more. I & Beowulf will genetically creat robots to build software. and they will be free. If any peasents try to sell software, they will be slaughtered.